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  【塑料球】塑料空心球,塑胶球价格,塑料小球生产厂家POM塑料球(POM塑胶球)PA塑料球(尼龙塑料球)PP塑料球(塑料PP球)PMMA塑料球(PMMA塑胶球)PC塑料球(PC塑胶球)PVC塑料球(PVC塑胶球)PPA塑料球(PPA塑胶球)PSU塑料球(PSU塑胶球)玩具塑料球(儿童玩具球)饰品塑料球(饰品塑胶球)塑料空心球(空心塑胶球)生物降解塑料球(PLA塑料球)软胶塑料球(软胶塑胶球)PEEK塑料球(PEEK塑胶球)PTFE塑料球(特氟龙塑料球)TPX塑料球(TPX塑胶球)Pepper ball0.68 Pepperball塑料焊接技术解决方案塑料热板焊接技术塑料超声波焊接技术塑料激光焊接技术塑料摩擦焊接技术实心塑料球(实心塑胶球)POM实心塑料球(POM塑料球)PA实心塑料球(PA塑料球)实心PP塑料球(塑料PP球)PMMA实心塑料球(PMMA塑料球)PVC实心塑料球(PVC塑料球)PTFE实心塑料球(特氟龙塑料球)塑料小球,塑料小球厂家精密塑料球焊接技术解决方案塑料激光焊接实用技术塑料热板焊接实用技术塑料超声焊接实用技术塑料球行业新闻,塑胶球新闻塑料空心球(空心塑料球)PTFE空心塑料球(PTFE空心球)PC空心塑料球(PC空心球)POM空心塑料球(POM塑料球)TPX空心塑料球(TPX空心球)PP空心塑料球(塑料空心PP球)PA空心塑料球(PA空心球)塑料浮球(塑胶浮球)PE空心球塑料球规格,塑胶球规格游戏塑料球,游戏塑胶球塑料空心球规格,空心塑胶球规格塑胶球标准,塑料球标准塑料空心球标准,空心塑胶球标准塑料球规格尺寸,塑胶规格尺寸塑料球硬度测试方法,塑胶球测试空心塑料球密度测试方法塑胶球规格,塑料球规格橡胶球,硅胶球,橡胶球价格,硅胶球厂家橡胶球-硅胶球厂家硅胶球,食品级硅胶球硅胶洗衣球-硅胶球厂家橡胶洗衣球-硅胶球厂家空心硅胶球,空心橡胶球橡胶弹力球橡胶球规格,硅胶球规格橡胶密封圈塑料球阀电动塑料球阀(电动塑胶球阀)塑料浮球阀(塑胶浮球阀)塑料法兰球阀(塑胶法兰球阀)氟塑料球阀(氟塑胶球阀)塑料三通球阀(塑胶三通球阀)胡椒球,胡椒弹0.43英寸塑料彩弹0.68英寸塑料彩弹0.68英寸胡椒球Pepper ball0.68 pepper ball0.50 pepper ball taiwan0.43 peper ball japanBB弹
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Plastic pepper balls pollute oceans and freshwater rivers.

According to the latest report, although scientists call on countries and enterprises to make more efforts to reduce plastics, it is expected that the amount of plastic pepper ball garbage flowing into the ocean will continue to increase every year, reaching 29 million tons by 2040.

According to the latest research published in the authoritative academic journal Science, the global inflow of small plastic pepper balls into the ocean has greatly increased, causing damage to the environment and threatening countless marine life. According to the report, although enterprises have invested in plastic reduction efforts, they still can't stop the continuous increase of plastic pellet waste.

The research report predicts that from 2016 to 2040, the amount of plastic flowing to the sea will nearly triple. Even if both enterprises and the government meet their commitment to reduce plastic waste, plastic pellet waste will only be reduced by 7% by 2040.

The report, jointly released by the non-profit organization Pew Charitable Trust and the sustainable consulting firm SYSTEMIQ, mentioned a number of measures to reduce plastics, calling on enterprises and the government to put more efforts into reducing the use of plastic pepper balls.

Plastic reduction consciousness: consensus of human beings

Seventeen experts and scholars from different regions used data to study and develop a set of global plastic supply chain model, which is called the first in history, and applied it to the process of plastic small pepper balls from production, consumption to disposal. Through these measures, it is estimated that the plastic small ball garbage flowing into the ocean can be reduced by more than 80%.

Seventeen experts and scholars from different regions used data to study and develop a set of global plastic supply chain model, which is called the first in history, and applied it to the process of plastic small pepper balls from production, consumption to disposal. Through these measures, it is estimated that the plastic small ball garbage flowing into the ocean can be reduced by more than 80%.

The researchers pointed out that if there is no action, the amount of plastic waste flowing into the ocean will continue to increase every year, from 11 million tons in 2016 to 29 million tons in 2040. Looking at the global coastline, there will be an average of 50 kilograms of plastic pepper ball waste per meter. In addition, during this period, a total of 600 million tons of garbage flowed into the ocean, about the weight of 3 million blue whales.

Under the pressure of consumers and regulatory authorities, many heavyweight consumer goods enterprises around the world have promised to reuse, recycle or compost packaging materials within five years. Most enterprises also emphasize the use of more recycled materials in product packaging, and also use this as a selling point to attract customers.

Masks are also full of beaches under the epidemic.

However, environmentalists think that these promises are not enough at all, because enterprises only focus on recycling plastics, not reducing their use. For example, large enterprises such as Wal-Mart, Nestle and Baoqiao have said that they plan to reduce unnecessary packaging and use reusable containers, but rarely announce the goal of reducing plastics.

According to the report, the use of plastic pepper balls per person in the world has increased significantly, which is the reason for the worsening marine plastic pollution. In addition, the large-scale use of unrecoverable plastics by enterprises and improper waste management in many countries are also one of the culprits for the sharp increase in plastics. Winnie Lau, senior manager of Pew Charitable Trusts and co-author of the report, said that plastic pollution is a problem that affects everyone. "If nothing is done, the situation will be worse."

According to the International Solid Waste Association (ISWA), during Covid-19, the consumption of disposable plastics increased sharply. In the remote seaside of Asia, countless masks and latex gloves were washed ashore. Due to the epidemic situation, the demand for online shopping and delivery points has greatly increased, which has made the number of lunch boxes and online shopping packages thrown into global landfills reach a new high.

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