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Application of Plastic Pepper Ball in Construction Industry

The use of plastic pepper balls can reduce the use of concrete slabs by 30%, reduce the emission of carbon dioxide and use less building materials at the same time, and achieve the goal of sustainable construction. Plastic balls are made of recycled materials, which are environmentally friendly and durable, and the cost is not far from that of concrete. They have been used in many countries.

First, the application of plastic pepper balls in the floor

Plastic pepper ball floor is a revolution and innovation in the process of building construction. This technology uses recycled plastic pepper balls to fill the non-load-bearing floor, thus directly reducing the use of concrete, reducing the weight of the structure and prolonging the service life of the building. By combining recycled plastics, the span of structural columns can be extended by 50%, and at the same time, this plate connects concrete structures in two directions, which also saves the use of beams. The summary features are as follows:

1, no design restrictions, flexible forms can be adapted to various forms of architectural structures;

2. Reduce self-weight, which greatly saves the cost of building foundation;

3. The span between columns is increased by 50% compared with the traditional structure;

4, the beam structure is omitted, and the construction process is faster and more economical;

5, reduce the use of concrete, 1kg of recycled plastic can replace 100kg of concrete;

6, energy saving, environmental protection and low carbon, reducing carbon emissions.In the past ten years, plastic ball floor has been successfully applied to the construction of various buildings in Europe. In Denmark and the Netherlands, more than 1 million square meters of multi-storey buildings use this system.

Second, the installation introduction

The installation process is simple and can be divided into the following processes:

1, temporary support before installation, in 1.8 meters and 2.4 meters of space for horizontal beam support for placement;

2, placing the structure, placing the semi-finished components in place;

3. Laying the upper layer: after installing the bottom fixing device, the upper layer is tied with a net structure to connect various components;

4, shear strengthening, installing reinforcement devices between columns;

5, strengthening, installing a strengthening device;

6. Installation of pouring device: install pouring bearing on the original concrete and fix it to the horizontal net structure at the top;

7, pouring device processing, namely, placing polymeric plate supports between components and between columns;

8. Prepare before pouring, seal the gaps between various components, and clean and wet the original concrete;

9, pouring, filling concrete, vibration, the maximum capacity is 10mm; higher;

10. Work after pouring, and remove unnecessary structures after 3 to 5 days.

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