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  【塑料球】塑料空心球,塑胶球价格,塑料小球生产厂家POM塑料球(POM塑胶球)PA塑料球(尼龙塑料球)PP塑料球(塑料PP球)PMMA塑料球(PMMA塑胶球)PC塑料球(PC塑胶球)PVC塑料球(PVC塑胶球)PPA塑料球(PPA塑胶球)PSU塑料球(PSU塑胶球)玩具塑料球(儿童玩具球)饰品塑料球(饰品塑胶球)塑料空心球(空心塑胶球)生物降解塑料球(PLA塑料球)软胶塑料球(软胶塑胶球)PEEK塑料球(PEEK塑胶球)PTFE塑料球(特氟龙塑料球)TPX塑料球(TPX塑胶球)Pepper ball0.68 Pepperball塑料焊接技术解决方案塑料热板焊接技术塑料超声波焊接技术塑料激光焊接技术塑料摩擦焊接技术实心塑料球(实心塑胶球)POM实心塑料球(POM塑料球)PA实心塑料球(PA塑料球)实心PP塑料球(塑料PP球)PMMA实心塑料球(PMMA塑料球)PVC实心塑料球(PVC塑料球)PTFE实心塑料球(特氟龙塑料球)塑料小球,塑料小球厂家精密塑料球焊接技术解决方案塑料激光焊接实用技术塑料热板焊接实用技术塑料超声焊接实用技术塑料球行业新闻,塑胶球新闻塑料空心球(空心塑料球)PTFE空心塑料球(PTFE空心球)PC空心塑料球(PC空心球)POM空心塑料球(POM塑料球)TPX空心塑料球(TPX空心球)PP空心塑料球(塑料空心PP球)PA空心塑料球(PA空心球)塑料浮球(塑胶浮球)PE空心球塑料球规格,塑胶球规格游戏塑料球,游戏塑胶球塑料空心球规格,空心塑胶球规格塑胶球标准,塑料球标准塑料空心球标准,空心塑胶球标准塑料球规格尺寸,塑胶规格尺寸塑料球硬度测试方法,塑胶球测试空心塑料球密度测试方法塑胶球规格,塑料球规格橡胶球,硅胶球,橡胶球价格,硅胶球厂家橡胶球-硅胶球厂家硅胶球,食品级硅胶球硅胶洗衣球-硅胶球厂家橡胶洗衣球-硅胶球厂家空心硅胶球,空心橡胶球橡胶弹力球橡胶球规格,硅胶球规格橡胶密封圈塑料球阀电动塑料球阀(电动塑胶球阀)塑料浮球阀(塑胶浮球阀)塑料法兰球阀(塑胶法兰球阀)氟塑料球阀(氟塑胶球阀)塑料三通球阀(塑胶三通球阀)胡椒球,胡椒弹0.43英寸塑料彩弹0.68英寸塑料彩弹0.68英寸胡椒球Pepper ball0.68 pepper ball0.50 pepper ball taiwan0.43 peper ball japanBB弹
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Use method of plastic small pepper ball for drilling fluid

Drilling fluid is essential in oil drilling operation, which can carry and suspend cuttings, stabilize borehole wall and balance formation pressure, cool and lubricate drill bits and drilling tools, and transmit hydrodynamic force. The performance of drilling fluid directly affects the wellbore quality and drilling speed. At the same time, with the development of petroleum exploration, the drilling depth is increasing, and the number of cluster wells, highly deviated directional wells and horizontal wells is also increasing rapidly. Avoiding differential pressure sticking, reducing drilling tool torque and reducing drill string wear have become urgent problems to be solved in drilling operations.

Adding lubricant to drilling fluid is one of the most effective measures to reduce differential pressure sticking, reduce drilling tool torque and reduce drill string wear. At present, lubricants used at home and abroad can be divided into two categories: one is liquid lubricants, such as petroleum and its products, modified products of animal and vegetable oils, etc. Second, solid lubricants, such as graphite powder, key disulfide powder, plastic pellets, glass pellets and metal pellets.

Among them, the use effect of plastic pepper balls is better than other lubricants. It is a copolymer produced by cross-linking styrene and divinylbenzene, and plastic pepper balls are added in drilling operation to make it participate in the formation of mud cake, so as to prevent the adhesion of drilling tools and mud cake and achieve the purpose of lubrication and anti-sticking. Plastic pepper balls are non-toxic, odorless, non-fluorescent, acid-resistant, alkali-resistant, recyclable, and so on. Their density is usually 1. 03~I. 05g/cm3, and their temperature resistance is above 190°C, and their compressive strength is above 100N. They are inert in drilling fluids, insoluble in water and oil, and suitable for most types of drilling fluids. At the same time, their surface viscosity, dynamic shear force and compressive strength are also affected. However, the plastic small pepper ball solid lubricant for drilling fluid produced by current technology has limited temperature resistance and extrusion resistance, uneven and low particle size, and uneven density distribution, which can not fully meet the needs of drilling engineering; At the same time, due to the high density of existing plastic pepper balls, they are easy to sink in drilling fluid and are unevenly distributed, which limits the application of plastic pepper balls as solid lubricants in drilling fluid.

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